EEG Machine

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Fig 1. EEG Machine-1

Cat NO.: AN-0032

Product Name: EEG Machine

Certification: FDA

This product is used to record the electrical activity of the brain to help diagnose brain disorders and neurological conditions.

Product Details

This device collects EEG signals with electrodes, using integrated amplification, A/D transformation, PC auto-analysis, and FFT to form an electroencephalogram displayed with color depth. It is applicable for detecting diseases such as epilepsy, intracranial inflammation, cerebrovascular diseases, and brain tumors.

Product Features

Electrode Placement and Lead Support Uses the international 10/20 electrode placement system, with the ability to change leads during replay.
Supports different types of combined leads during sampling.
EEG Signal Collection and Processing Employs a bioelectric amplifier for brainwave extraction, with continuous recording time up to 24 hours.
Equipped with an integrated fully automatic calibration system.
Playback Function Amplitude and display speed are adjustable.
The special subdivided time line divides the waveform into 5 parts per second, making it easier for doctors to review the waveform.
Digital Filter System Digital filters can be set as required, providing different window types.
EEG Signal Clipping and Analysis Allows analysis and storage of any section of EEG waves, with the ability to automatically analyze and distill multiple waveform segments into different parameters.
Electronic Frequency Ruler Convenient for measuring basic information of any appointed EEG waveform.
Includes a partial enlarging window for precise measurement of EEG period, amplitude, and frequency, adjustable based on personnel judgment.
Event Marking Function Marks EEG waves under events like opening eyes, closing eyes, and flashing with different colors; user-defined events can also be added.
The waveform color for evoked events can be freely set, ensuring the corresponding waveform can be quickly located by event name during case playback.
Powerful Automatic Analysis Supports power spectrum analysis and pathological wave detection for designated waveforms.
Multiple graphs can be displayed on the same screen, including BEAM, numerical BEAM, compressed spectrum graphs, trend graphs, etc.
Electrical Safety and Data Transmission Professional isolation transformer, dual power supply isolation system, and optoelectronic data transmission ensure safety.
Data transmission via USB interface, plug-and-play.
Multifunctional Flash Stimulator USB interface-controlled flash stimulation, which can be controlled manually or automatically.
A flash stimulation scheme can be set and executed during sampling.
Case Management and Data Storage Comprehensive case management functions, offering various means for research and quick statistical information.
Convenient case export and import functions, supporting storage on MO or CD-RW disks for easy data research.
Report Function Integrated image and text reports that can be edited and converted to Word document format.
Case File Format Conversion Case files can be converted into EDF and BDF data formats for data exchange, academic exchange, and further analysis.
System Parameter and Display Mode Settings System parameters and display modes can be adjusted to meet different user requirements.
Waveform Marking and Annotation Marks and annotations can be added to designated wave forms, allowing for quick retrieval by the marked time.
Optional Video Function USB camera is easy to install, convenient to use, and accurate for recording.
Flexible playback function allows browsing of the waveform along with the corresponding isochronous sampled image at any time.

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