Surgical Scissors

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Fig 1. Surgical Scissors

Cat NO.: AN-0001

Product Name: Surgical Scissors

Certification: FDA

This product is used to precisely cut tissues, blood vessels, or sutures during surgical procedures.

Product Features

  • Scissors play a crucial role in tissue dissection, allowing surgeons to carefully separate tissue layers and access anatomical structures while creating surgical planes.
  • In wound suturing, scissors are indispensable for cutting sutures to the desired length. Additionally, these tools are used to trim excess suture material to ensure neat and secure closure of the surgical incision.
  • Surgical scissors are also invaluable when surgeons need to remove foreign objects, necrotic tissue, or debris from a wound.
  • In plastic surgery, surgical scissors are used for precise tissue trimming, shaping, and contouring to achieve optimal aesthetic outcomes.
  • Specialized scissors are used in minimally invasive surgery, typically with a long shaft to access and manipulate tissue through small incisions.
  • In ophthalmic surgery, scissors are finely crafted to assist in the removal of lesions.

Product Types

Fig 2. Round-tip Surgical Scissors

Round-tip Surgical Scissors

Fig 3. Sharp-tip Surgical Scissors

Sharp-tip Surgical Scissors

Fig 4. Sharp-round-tip Surgical Scissors

Sharp-round-tip Surgical Scissors

Fig 5. Fine Scissors

Fine Scissors

Fig 6. Curved Fine Scissors

Curved Fine Scissors

Fig 7. Straight Fine Scissors

Straight Fine Scissors

Fig 8. Ophthalmic Scissors

Ophthalmic Scissors

Fig 9. Suture Removal Scissors

Suture Removal Scissors

Fig 10. Small Vessel Scissors

Small Vessel Scissors

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